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Category Antimicrobial Peptides
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Cole AM,Darouiche RO,Legarda D,Connell N,Diamond G
Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2000, 2039-2045
Characterization of a fish antimicrobial peptide: gene expression, subcellular localization, and spectrum of activity.
Cole AM,Weis P,Diamond G
J Biol Chem, 1997, 12008-12013
Isolation and characterization of pleurocidin, an antimicrobial peptide in the skin secretions of winter flounder
Iwama GK,Ackerman PA,Devlin RH,Patrzykat A,Jia X,Hancock RE
Appl Environ Microbiol, 2000, 1928-1932
Antimicrobial peptides protect coho salmon from Vibrio anguillarum infections
Lin SB,Yu HC,Yang WT,Pei MJ,Chiang JC,Kuo TY,Chou HT,Chen WJ
Int J Antimicrob Agents, 2008, 130-138
Design and synthesis of cationic antimicrobial peptides with improved activity and selectivity against Vibrio spp.
Yoshida K,Mukai Y,Niidome T,Takashi C,Tokunaga Y,Hatakeyama T,Aoyagi H
J Pept Res, 2001, 119-126
Interaction of pleurocidin and its analogs with phospholipid membrane and their antibacterial activity.
Souza AL,Díaz-Dellavalle P,Cabrera A,Larranaga P,Dalla-Rizza M,De-Simone SG
Peptides, 2013, 78-84
Antimicrobial activity of pleurocidin is retained in Plc-2, a C-terminal 12-amino acid fragment.
Pan WR,Chen YL,Hsu HC,Chen WJ
Mol Cell Biochem, 2015, 77-86
Antimicrobial peptide GW-H1-induced apoptosis of human gastric cancer AGS cell line is enhanced by suppression of autophagy.
Chen YL,Li JH,Yu CY,Lin CJ,Chiu PH,Chen PW,Lin CC,Chen WJ
Peptides, 2012, 257-265
Novel cationic antimicrobial peptide GW-H1 induced caspase-dependent apoptosis of hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines.
Lüders T,Birkemo GA,Fimland G,Nissen-Meyer J,Nes IF
Appl Environ Microbiol, 2003, 1797-1799
Strong synergy between a eukaryotic antimicrobial peptide and bacteriocins from lactic acid bacteria.
Patrzykat A,Zhang L,Mendoza V,Iwama GK,Hancock RE
Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2001, 1337-1342
Synergy of histone-derived peptides of coho salmon with lysozyme and flounder pleurocidin
Categories: Antimicrobial Peptides