LL-37 (16-32)[E1G; F2,12BIP; I5,9l; L13l], GF-17BIPHE2
Not For Human Use, Lab Use Only.
Category Antimicrobial Peptides
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Wang X,Junior JCB,Mishra B,Lushnikova T,Epand RM,Wang G
Biochim Biophys Acta, 2017, 1350-1361
Arginine-lysine positional swap of the LL-37 peptides reveals evolutional advantages of the native sequence and leads to bacterial probes.
Wang X,Mishra B,Lushnikova T,Narayana JL,Wang G
Adv Biosyst, 2018,
Amino Acid Composition Determines Peptide Activity Spectrum and Hot-Spot-Based Design of Merecidin.
Yu Y,Cooper CL,Wang G,Morwitzer MJ,Kota K,Tran JP,Bradfute SB,Liu Y,Shao J,Zhang AK,Luo LG,Reid SP,Hinrichs SH,Su K
iScience, 2020, 100999
Engineered Human Cathelicidin Antimicrobial Peptides Inhibit Ebola Virus Infection.
Zhang Y,Lakshmaiah Narayana J,Wu Q,Dang X,Wang G
Pharmaceuticals (Basel), 2021, 1245
Structure and Activity of a Selective Antibiofilm Peptide SK-24 Derived from the NMR Structure of Human Cathelicidin LL-37.
Categories: Antimicrobial Peptides