Histatin 5
Not For Human Use, Lab Use Only.
Category Antimicrobial Peptides
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Groot F,Sanders RW,ter Brake O,Nazmi K,Veerman EC,Bolscher JG,Berkhout B
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Histatin 5-derived peptide with improved fungicidal properties enhances human immunodeficiency virus type 1 replication by promoting viral entry
Helmerhorst EJ,Reijnders IM,van 't Hof W,Veerman EC,Nieuw Amerongen AV
FEBS Lett, 1999, 105-110
A critical comparison of the hemolytic and fungicidal activities of cationic antimicrobial peptides
Helmerhorst EJ,Reijnders IM,van't Hof W,Simoons-Smit I,Veerman EC,Amerongen AV
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Amphotericin B- and fluconazole-resistant Candida spp., Aspergillus fumigatus, and other newly emerging pathogenic fungi are susceptible to basic antifungal peptides
Veerman EC,Valentijn-Benz M,Nazmi K,Ruissen AL,Walgreen-Weterings E,van Marle J,Doust AB,van't Hof W,Bolscher JG,Amerongen AV
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Energy depletion protects Candida albicans against antimicrobial peptides by rigidifying its cell membrane
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Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2001, 1367-1373
Anticandida activity is retained in P-113, a 12-amino-acid fragment of histatin 5
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CCL28 has dual roles in mucosal immunity as a chemokine with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity.
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In vitro assessment of antifungal therapeutic potential of salivary histatin-5, two variants of histatin-5, and salivary mucin (MUC7) domain 1.
Welling MM,Brouwer CP,van 't Hof W,Veerman EC,Amerongen AV
Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2007, 3416-3419
Histatin-derived monomeric and dimeric synthetic peptides show strong bactericidal activity towards multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in vivo.
Luque-Ortega JR,van't Hof W,Veerman EC,Saugar JM,Rivas L
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Human antimicrobial peptide histatin 5 is a cell-penetrating peptide targeting mitochondrial ATP synthesis in Leishmania.
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Expression in Escherichia coli of novel recombinant hybrid antimicrobial peptide AL32-P113 with enhanced antimicrobial activity in vitro.
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In vitro activity of 12 antimicrobial peptides against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium avium clinical isolates.
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Biochemistry, 2017, 4244-4255
Specific Histidine Residues Confer Histatin Peptides with Copper-Dependent Activity against Candida albicans.
Categories: Antimicrobial Peptides